第3部分 (第1/7页)

the dirt; allowing mother and son to jerk it free of the sheep。 The big animal; its body convulsing with pain; turned to look at its wounded tail; which gave Bar an opening to go for its throat。 Letting the wolf claw at will; Bar pressed down with his front legs on the animal’s head and chest; and as he bit down; two streams of blood spurted from the wolf ’s carotid arteries。 It struggled madly for a minute or two before going limp; its long; bloody tongue slipping out through its teeth。 Gasmai wiped the wolf ’s blood from her face and panted。 To Chen Zhen; her face; red from the bitter cold; looked as if rouge made of wolf ’s blood had been smeared over it。 She struck him as the picture of prehistoric woman—brave; strong; and beautiful。

狼图腾(英文版) 1(8)

The rank smell of blood rose into the air from the dead wolf; and the growls from dogs off to the east ceased abruptly as the other wolves fled; vanishing in the dark of night。 Moments later; from the marsh—land in the northwest came the mournful bays of wolves venting their grief over the loss of one of their own。

“I’m worse than useless;” Chen said with a sigh; deeply ashamed。 “Gutless as the sheep。 A dog is worth more than me; not to mention a woman。 Even a nine…year…old boy showed me up。”

With a smile; Gasmai shook her head。 “No;” she said。 “If you hadn’t e out to help; the wolves would have gotten our sheep。”

Bilgee smiled too。 “This is the first time I’ve seen a Chinese student help get sheep moving and light the area up with his flashlight。”

Chen Zhen bent over and felt the still…warm body of the dead wolf。 He hated himself for not having the courage to help Gasmai pull on the animal’s tail while it was alive; and for passing up a once…in… a…lifetime opportunity for a C
