第28部分 (第1/7页)

could have e later;

smelling the food Anyway; they're setting traps for it now。〃

〃Oh;〃 I said vaguely。 I wasn't really listening to his warnings; I was much

more upset by the situation with

Jacob than by the possibility of being eaten by a bear。

I was glad that Charlie was in a hurry。 He didn't wait for me to call Jessica;

so I didn't have to put on that

charade。 I went through the motions of gathering my school…books on the

kitchen table to pack them in

my bag; that was probably too much; and if he hadn't been eager to hit the

holes; it might have made him


I was so busy looking busy that the ferociously empty day ahead didn't really

crash down on me until

after I'd watched him drive away。 It only took about two minutes of staring at

the silent kitchen phone to

decide that I wasn't staying home today。 I considered my options。

I wasn't going to call Jessica。 As far as I could tell; Jessica had crossed

over to the dark side。

I could drive to La Push and get my motorcycle—an appealing thought but for

one minor problem: who

was going to drive me to the emergency room if I needed it afterward?

Or I already had our map and pass in the truck。 I was pretty sure I

understood the process well

enough by now that I wouldn't get lost。 Maybe I could eliminate two lines

today; putting us ahead of

schedule for whenever Jacob decided to honor me with his presence again。 I

refused to think about how

long that might be。 Or if it was going to be never。

I felt a brief twinge of guilt as I realized how Charlie would feel about

this; but I ignored it。 I just couldn't
