第106部分 (第1/7页)

on man。 He is one to be incited perhaps; but not to be persuaded。 It will be better to see what he has to say first; then I will try to stir him to action。〃

The serving of tea being now finished; Sun Quan began with the usual gracious ceremonial expressions。

〃Lu Su has often spoken of your genius;〃 said the host。 〃It is a great pleasure to meet you。 I trust you will confer upon me the advantage of your instruction。〃

〃I am neither clever nor learned;〃 was the reply。 〃It humiliates me to hear such words。〃

〃You have been at Xinye lately; and you helped your master to fight that decisive battle with Cao Cao; so you must know exactly the measure of his military strength。〃

〃My master's army was small and his generals were few; the city was paltry and lacked supplies。 Hence no stand could be made against such a force as Cao Cao had。〃

〃How many has he in all?〃

〃Horse and foot; land and marine; he has a million。〃

〃Is there not some doubt about that?〃 said Sun Quan; surprised。

〃None whatever。 When Cao Cao went to Yanzhou; he had the two hundred thousand soldiers of Qingzhou。 He gained five or six hundred thousand more when Yuan Shao fell。 He has three or four hundred thousand troops newly recruited in the capital。 Lately he has acquired two or three hundred thousand troops in Jingzhou。 And if these be reckoned up; the total is not less than a million and a half。 Hence I said a million for I was afraid of frightening your officers。〃

Lu Su was much disturbed and turned pale。 He looked meaningfully at the bold speaker; but Zhuge Liang would not see。 Sun Quan went on to ask if his archenemy had a corresponding number of leaders。

〃Cao Cao has enough administrators and strategists to control such a host; a
