第8部分 (第1/6页)

resistant[ri'zist?nt]a。 抵抗的,有抵抗力的;抗…的

搭配 drought…resistant crops 抗旱作物;be resistant to 对…有抵抗力;acid…resistant 抗酸的

例句 1。 Those minerals that are resistant to melting are the main elements in the solar nebula。 那些不会融化的矿物是构成太阳星云的主要元素。

2。 Genetic engineering might provide a partial solution by going on to develop new strains of drought…resistant crops。 通过继续研究新的抗旱作物品种,基因工程会提供一个片面的解决方法。

3。 Scientists found a phenomenon that a lot of damaging insects were resistant to pesticide。 科学家们发现一个现象,许多害虫对杀虫剂具有抵抗力。

retreat[ri'tri:t]v。 退却;向后退 n。 撤退;退隐处

搭配 mountain retreat 山间隐居所

例句 Facing this situation; the tribe and its leader had to abandon their lands; retreating to Canada。 面对这样的情况,该部落及其首领不得不放弃他们的土地,撤退到加拿大。

同义 withdrew(v。 撤退)

rhythm['rie?m]n。 节奏,韵律

搭配 heart rhythm 心率

例句 The timing and rhythms of biological functions must closely match the periodic events such as the solar day; the tides; the lunar cycle; and the seasons。 生物功能的时机和节奏必须与周期性事件密切匹配,比如太阳日、潮汐、月运周期,以及季节交替这样的事件。

rival['raivl]v。 与…相匹敌;竞争 n。 对手

例句 1。 On one hand; coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles; on the other hand; early in the new century; well…to…do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets。 一方面,煤气可以与烟雾缭绕的油灯和光亮微弱的蜡烛竞争;另一方面,在新世纪初期,富裕的伦敦人开始习惯于用煤气灯照明的房屋甚至是街道。

2。 Several factors might account for the extraordinary development of this place; involving its location; rich natural resources; irrigation potential; intelligent elites; and the misfortune of the rival munities。 一些因素也许可以解释这个地方的大力发展,包括其地理位置、丰富的自然资源、灌溉潜力、聪明的精英以及与之竞争的群体的不幸。

同义 parative(n。 竞争对手)

rolling['rouli?]a。 起伏的;周而复始的

搭配 rolling hills 绵延起伏的群山

例句 What initially surprised us is that many of their cities were 
