第4部分 (第1/7页)

etic people you knew; to keep the lights on; and to know someone was working to get you free。

Yet Norman knew that some of his results were counterintuitive; such as the importance of group position。 Groups posed entirely of men or entirely of women were much poorer at handling stress than mixed groups; groups posed of individuals roughly the same age were much poorer than groups of mixed age。 And pre…existing groups formed for another purpose did worst of all; at one point he ''20'' had stressed a championship basketball team; and it cracked almost immediately。

Although his research was good; Norman remained uneasy about the underlying purposes for his paper…alien invasion…which he personally considered speculative to the point of absurdity。 He was embarrassed to submit his paper; particularly after he had rewritten it to make it seem more significant than he knew it was。

He was relieved when the Carter Administration did not like his report。 None of Norman's remendations were approved。 The Administration did not agree with Dr。 Norman Johnson that fear was a problem; they thought the predominant human emotion would be wonder and awe。 Furthermore; the Administration preferred a large contact team of thirty people; including three theologians; a lawyer; a physician; a representative from the State Department; a representative from the Joint Chiefs; a select group from the legislative branch; an aerospace engineer; an exobiologist; a nuclear physicist; a cultural anthropologist; and a television anchor personality。

In any case; President Carter was not re…elected in 1980; and Norman heard nothing further about his ULF proposal。 He had heard nothing for six years。

Until now。

Barnes said; 〃You remember the ULF team you proposed?
