第17部分 (第1/7页)

〃In any case; our robot spacecraft; according to whatever built…in criteria it has; decides that this sphere is interesting。 It automatically grabs the sphere in its big claw hand here; draws it inside the ship; and brings it home。〃

〃Except in going home it goes too far; it goes into the past。〃

〃Its past;〃 Harry said。 〃Our present。〃


Barnes snorted impatiently。 〃Fine; so this spacecraft goes out and picks up a silver alien sphere and brings it back。 Get to the point: what is this sphere?〃

Harry walked forward to the sphere; pressed his ear against the metal; and rapped it with his knuckles。 He touched the grooves; his hands disappearing in the deep indentations。 The sphere was so highly polished Norman could see Harry's face; distorted; in the curve of the metal。 〃Yes。 ''107'' As I suspected。 These cabalistic markings; as you call them; are not decorative at all。 They have another purpose entirely; to conceal a small break in the surface of the sphere。 Thus they represent a door。〃 Harry stepped back。

〃What is the sphere?〃

〃I'll tell you what I think;〃 Harry said。 〃I think this sphere is a hollow container; I think there's something inside; and I think it scares the hell out of me。〃


〃No; Mr。 Secretary;〃 Barnes said into the phone。 〃We're pretty sure it is an alien artifact。 There doesn't seem to be any question about that。〃

He glanced at Norman; sitting across the room。 〃Yes; sir;〃 Barnes said。 〃Very damn exciting。〃

They were back in the habitat; and Barnes had immediately called Washington。 He was trying to delay their return to the surface。

〃Not yet; we haven't opened it。 Well; we haven't been able to open it。 The door is a weird shape and it's very finely m
